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[H] Has anyone developing for Mobile seen this render error before and fixed it?

polycounter lvl 15
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Noth polycounter lvl 15

Those bands that run through the fog and ocean are from the depth fade node I've used in my shaders built with ASE. It has something to do with the depth texture. It only shows up on some devices. It's not present on Ipad, or older Android devices. Only Adreno GPUs as far as I can tell atm.
I did manage to make it go away by switching the depth fade node out for a screen position node setup, and then negating it. I had to tweak the values but it then rendered correctly on the android device and it was broken on the previously okay ones. I've also read that unity handles the platform differences for you, so I shouldn't have to do that, but it seemed to work. Preferably I'd figure out why this one isn't working. The banding increases in amount/tiles more when I zoom out, it's fine when zoomed all the way in. There's a bunch of settings in the player settings I believe, in regards to API level, Auto Graphics API where I can turn off openGL2.0, I'm wondering if I should force it to use 3.0, if that's possible. Also I read somewhere that someone made their camera script render a 16bit depth texture instead of a 32bit one, and that fixed it for some reason. Another person said it looked like a precision error. All of which I'm not sure how to approach, so any info would be appreciated! Thanks.



  • RN
    Offline / Send Message
    RN sublime tool
    Can you output the depth texture itself? See if it has those stripes.

    Edit: also, try something with the vertex Z coordinates instead of depth-texture or "screen position". In the vertex shader the coordinates are relative to the eye, so the vertex Zs in there should be useful for distance effects.
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