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Transform texture to fit an existing UVW map with 3DS Max


im very new and i dont really know how to look for information, for what im trying to accomplish

So i hope someone can lead me to ressources, to what im trying to do.

Im trying to do some basic texture editing in an existing game.

Up until now, i always edited the texture with gimp by dragging cutouts of other textures on a copy of the texture, injected that into the game and repeated that until it looked kinda okay. With very extorted maps, this isnt really a feasible way to do it. So i thought 3DS Max should be able to handle texture mapping better.

I imported the mesh of the ingame model in 3DS Max 2020 and applied the original texture to it. With that i get a good look how the texture is mapped to the modell.

What i got and what i want to use to fit to the map

My question is now, how can i use this, to apply a differently structured texture to be "formatted" like the map, my model wants. Sadly, i can only inject textures into my game, so i cant change the mapping of the model (or the model at all), only the texture.

I hope this is something that is possible, because im aware im coming from the wrong angle at this, as in, normally you generate the map to fit a texture and not generate a texture fitting to the map.

If somebody could give me a name of a technique that i can google, would already help me a lot.

Thanks for you time.

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