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WIP - Italian town street (tree tips needed)

polycounter lvl 4
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i_like_turtles polycounter lvl 4
Hi! I'm building this environment and it's almost ready for Unreal. But now I have some doubts about the tree. In my first test I got some ok-ish results. The problem, it was around 400k polys. The second test looks kinda similar, now with the polycount reduced to around 150k. Also, the leaves now have a better geometry surrounding the texture, leaving much less useless alpha space around. I just want it to look dense enough but still show that I care for optimization (although for portfolio purposes I wouldn't mind pushing it a bit more).

Is this decent enough for a portfolio piece, considering the tree is the only higher poly model in the scene (the rest is less than 5k in total) and it's really close to the camera?
Any other suggestions to improve the tree?

Thank you!


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