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Journey to a Character Artist (Daily Update)

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annaberu greentooth
Hi guys, my name's Annabelle and I am currently working every day on my portfolio to eventually become a character artist. 
In this thread I will share my work from every day, kind of as is I was in production in a game company and had to show my daily progress.
I welcome anyone to critic my work, after all my goal is to become better!!
You can check my artstation for artwork I have already finished: https://www.artstation.com/annaberu_chan

I have three open projects:
- Michael Scott from the Office Likeness study
- Winter Survivor Real Time 
- Third project is nothing specific, I will just post some sculpts I do on the side for practice! Little Sculpts 

My main project is the winter survivor I intend to make in real time. Here is his looks until now:
Here is Michael's progress, hope you can help me with making him look more accurate!

Thanks in advance for the critics!!


  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    (Sunday February 2 2020)
    Soooo Today I made the skin details for Michael Scott.
    I think I still have to work on the likeness a little bit, but it is always satisfactory to see the skin come to life.
    I just noticed the ears dont have any.. oops
    Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/annaberu_chan 
    Website: https://annabellesemaan.wixsite.com/portfolio/blank-page

  • captainumbrella
    Nice thread Annabelle! :)
    Your soldier sculpt looks really nice so far. Will be fun to follow the progress! I think that the Michael Scott sculpt is neat too, but I would personally say you've started on tertiary details way too fast. It doesn't feel like the sculpt is even past primaries, as I can see a lot of things I'd personally continue working on, on a lower subdivision level.

    I think I'd work more on defining certain areas of the face such as the cheeks, mouth area, forehead and jaw.
    An advice for doing sculpts of faces in general, but mostly likeness, is to break down the face into various different parts, such as lips, chin, nose, eyes, etc. Then try to bring them together by thinking mouth area, eye area, t-zone area, etc. And then moving on to tie things together with lower area, middle area and upper area of the face.
    I'm not sure if that's how you work, try putting your main reference picture in the ZBrush spotlight and just display it on top of your sculpt with a low opacity, just to see how close you are when it comes to the positioning of the different parts of the face.
    Try then to look at other images of the subject, from different angles, and see if it still works.
    Steve Carell has quite a straight nose, for example, and this is hard to interpret from a front-facing image of course.

    I would also advice you to take a look at FACS, Facial Acting Coding System, just to understand various muscles of the face better to understand where to give definition and where not to. Of course, also look a lot at the anatomy of the face. If I'm going to work on a face sculpt, I always have a face ecorché and anatomy photos of the face, on the side since it just helps me remember bone structures, fatty pad locations, muscles, etc.

    Hope all of this is to any help, and let me know if you'd like any more feedback or tips. I'll be following this thread too! :)
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth

    Thanks @captainumbrella   !!  :)
    Yes I figured something was wrong with the face, but I just could not tell which part it was :,)
    I would love to have more feedback from you on that matter, maybe I can post a shot with more views of the face?
    Usually, when I work on likeness I export a screenshot in photoshop to see the differences because I have a hard time seeing them with the spotlight (Placing the picture correctly on the sculpt).
    I did look at pictures of skull and muscles, but I guess I did not fully grasp the look of it.
    Thanks again

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    february 3 2020
    Welp today I searched for more picture references and wow I did not imagine having so many flaws on my sculpt
    I worked on the primary shapes like suggested. and I already see a big improvement!!
    Still have to work on the likeness, but I'm getting there
    Note to myself: Go on Getty images for better picture references!!
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 4 2020
    So I forgot to take shots of my progress on baking and retopology for my survivor.. But I did start a new face from a Dyamesh. 
    It is still very much a sketch, but I thought it would be fun to look back at it later on.

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I guess you can use a few pointers
    Second image is suppose to show front to side transition plane of the face its very strong oh this female but everyone has it any some form
    I will drop one more hopefully to make things more clear [follow highlights on 3rd image]
    If you ask me learn
    -basic shape of head in front side top and back view
    -proportion of the head
    -placement of the feature and their relations [you can use just straight lines to do that ]
    Once you have this fundamental knowledge down and well mastered
    you can start learning features of the face , planes and smaller forms
    I also highly encourage skull studies daily both short and detailed
    If you plan to do someday likenesses you will need to train your eyes to actually see

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    Thanks @carvuliero !!!
    This will definitely come handy! I will follow those instructions and try to make basic heads to train recognizing the shapes that makes the head.  
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    february 05 2020
    Here is the progress I made on baking and retopology of the meshes. 
    I think the bullet jacket may need some more work, as the edges are black. The pouches turned out good to me though :)

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    february 06 2020
    Today, aside from baking and topology, I have worked on my previous sculpt following @carvuliero 's instruction... maaaaan
    it really helped. So I definitetly was jumping too quickly to high definition dynamesh. This time I took my time and it showed!
    I'm excited to go higher in subdivision to refine the details!!

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 06 2020 (Part 2)
    Went a little higher in the subdivisions, I think it already looks really realistic!  Maybe I'm wrong cause I'm looking at it too much, but I do think its still a big improvement! Hope it's clear I'm making a woman now xD
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    Oops, forgot to post yesterday and the day before! (7 and 8 of february 2020)
    Baked more asset, and tried to fix Michael's face! I'm still trying to figure out how to make his cheeks, as he is smiling just a little bit. 

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 09 2020
    Little horse study. still have to fix the legs, but I think it's off to a good start. 
    I think I'll try to make it for my survivor
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 10 2020
    Little update again on the female head! 

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 11 2020
    OOOOUUUF almost done with the low resolution, gosh its taking forever to complete :,) 

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth

    February 12 2020
    Reworked on Michael's face shape again. The nose is not right. When Steve Carell smiles it's an akward one, kind of hard to reproduce, but I am doing my best.

  • Ausonian
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    Ausonian polycounter lvl 14
    BIG improvement between the early and latest versions of female head and Steve Carell one, keep going!
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 15 2020
    This is the progress from the past few days (13 to 15) 
    The whole model is 59K ( I know it's missing one hand and the foot's normal is fliped).

    Also big thanks @Ausonian !! I will for sure continue to update. :)
  • akiratang
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    akiratang polycounter lvl 11
    Looking great and nice work, keep it up!
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 17 2020
    Texture progress, a long way to go, but it's fun :)
    And thanks @akiratang :D 

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    february 18 2020
    Started a new project, first try at a stylised character (Disney style).

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 19 2020
    Update on textures, so far so good! I hate that after texturing 2 to 3 assets I get tired of texturing and want to do something else :') 
    Well, if I keep up with 3 assets a day, I might finish next week? Lets cross fingers!

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 20 2020
    I am glad I added fur to the wrist , I find it adds just so much more to the character. Until now, I'm doing a quick pass for every asset and in the end I'll come back through everything to refine and make them more believable. I am also not sure about the color of the shorts, so I might change it.
  • Tamuna
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    Tamuna polycounter lvl 2
    This is a very nice thread and a useful idea. I might borrow it from you if I ever dare ;) Good progress btw :)
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 21 2020 
    Yet another texture update for today :) 
    I re-worked on the bullet proof jacket as well as the coat. Just missing a few assets, which will be completed during the weekend! 
    Also big tahnks @pixelbloat and @Tamuna for your support!!! ;D
    Never thought of adding a hat! I will see if it fits once I am done with the hair :) 

    @Tamuna I would love to see your thread if you start one, I am pretty new to forums in general so Im not sure how it would work to follow your thread, let me know anyways if you start one! 

    Don't be shy to give feedback for anything! 
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 21 2020
    I had the time to work on the female head today, so here it is. I think I am close to finishing it :)

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 22-23-24 2020
    OOOOPs forgot to update yall
    So worked on a bunch of things these past few days.. First updated my survivor's head sculpt, since I now better understand the nose's shape
    Worked on my other faces as well and have textures my survivor, phewwww thats a lot, but still very proud of the progress

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    Finished my first pass of texturing, now Im gonna have to start playing with the shaders, add subtle detail and set my colors.
    Like I'm not sure I like the blue coat, or if the problem is the bullet vest, anyways I'm gonna have to test this out
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    Thats it, I think I can finally call this done!!! The female face's is finally looking human! 
    I learmed so much of face anatomy through this project its crazy! BIG BIG BIG thanks to @carvuliero for always giving feedback, maybe there are still things to fix that I cannot see yet, we'll just have to see :P 

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 26 2020
    Made this speed sculpt (Around 3 hours) based on the Beast

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 28 2020
    So I did not work at all yesterday, but today I worked on the lighting and a little bit on the shader just to have a better idea on what I should be working on. I feel like the clothing is too clean and also falls flat, will probably have to play with the roughness... 
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 29 2020
    Re worked on the horse, I think the shapes are much more accurate, still have to work on the legs, but I am getting there :)
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    February 29 2020
    Update once again on Micheal Scott
  • oreoorbitz
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    oreoorbitz polycounter lvl 9
    I'm awful at likeness sculpting, so don't take my suggestions to seriously.

    So I took the picture of Micheal Scott at the top, desatured it, and removed his eyebrows and hair, for better reference (the results are disturbing)

    1. I think he has a tiny bit too much jaw width.
    2. I feel his nose wing are a tiny bit to wide
    3. in relation to number 2, his nose wings are a bit to long.
    4. if you want to use the photo as a reference, I'd reccomend straightening his lips like line like you had originally.
    5. I don't like the indent bellow his zygomatic bridge, in the jaw area, it doesn't seem right.
    6. If it helps, use a 35mm focal length when sculpting, I think that's the lens the show used, though I don't know what camera they used for the photo you're referencing, if your using shots from the show as reference, using a 35m focal length will help you with matching the feel of the photos more( ignore this if you already use 35m focal length)
    7. I think his brow is too long
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    Missed a few days, but did not mean I did not work hehe.. If anyone has any knowledge on how to make the textures more interesting I would be very grateful to see some feedback :) 
    Thanks @oreoorbitz for the feedback on Michael!
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    I know from experience (irl) that wearing somewhat light clothing on a rainy or puddle filled day, the back of your feet wear will kick up water splatters at the back of the cloth almost always.  (or maybe its just the way i walk? ) otherwise, some sort of dirt at the bottom half of the green cloth might help, doesn't have to be a lot just some color variation.

    tbh seeing a lot of the front but none of the alternative sides to the design, whether you are still figuring that out is another issue but, viewing an overall rotation of what is going on might help more with the feedback.  Nice otherwise.

    Do what you think is best for your designs.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    In example below I over did the contrast so it visible but you should be more subtle .Use contrast to visually separate individual layers of clothing also to make them easy to read .Numbered object might appear to be separate up close but if you look the model from a far they melt into one object
    BTW have you used any of the color theory methods to pick colors , they look all random to me .There are programs like adobe kuler  that can help you with that

  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    MArch 06 2020
    WOWOWOW THANK YOU @DavidCruz @carvulieroand @pixelbloat  SO MUCH FOR THE Feedback!

    @DavidCruz : I'll make sure to post more views next time! I did not before because nothing important texture wise was really accomplished in the back.. 

    @carvuliero : Always a pleasure to have your visual feedback! Helps a lot! 

    @pixelbloat : Yes I have tried different color schemes, especially for the coat, which is now black and not blue. But I guess I should try again, I need to fight the lazyness haha

    I have been so distracted the past few days I forgot to check the thread :.) 
    Anyways, I'll work on the texture again soon , I wanted to take a little break first to come back with a clear mind! 
    During that little break, I did start the hair! My inspo is at the end :) 
    Essentially, the rest of the head is going to have hair texture to simulate as if it was shaved! 
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    March 11 2020
    Okay it's been a few days, I am finally satisfied with how the fabric looks on the vest. So one thing done on the list yaaay! 
    Now it's time to work on the coat, and afterwards the belt, etc.. 
    Sorry for the lack of update, but since I was only working on the vest, I thought it would not be intersting to post.
  • annaberu
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    annaberu greentooth
    Finally finished this character you can check it out on my artstation for more shots!! 
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Very nicely done :)
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