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Environment Artist Showreel Critique

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Lewis_kennedy polygon
hey, just posting this here hoping to get some critiques of my showreel, just graduated from Glasgow Caledonian as a 3D artist last year, and was hoping for some pointers on what needs improved to show to potential employers. any opinions would be appreciated thanks.


  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    I feel like the video doesn't spend enough time on the finished, fully lit and textured versions of the environment. The constant switching back and forth between the lit, unlit and detail-lighting view modes is pretty distracting.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I think employers would rather stills for an environment portfolio. Good stuff, but get some still images up on ArtStation and send that through instead!
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Peeped your ArtStation so I'm just wondering if a role in the entertainment sector (games/film) is a primary focus or possibly other industries where CG related occupations exist?

    If the former?! then the bar, spaceship and castle interiors plus maybe the restaurant booth as well, for me have a kind of BioShock art deco vibe/feel.   

  • Lewis_kennedy
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    Lewis_kennedy polygon
    I feel like the video doesn't spend enough time on the finished, fully lit and textured versions of the environment. The constant switching back and forth between the lit, unlit and detail-lighting view modes is pretty distracting.
    fair point, I should hold on the finished versions more, I wanted to show off different layers but it probably is a bit much
  • Lewis_kennedy
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    Lewis_kennedy polygon
    sacboi said:
    Peeped your ArtStation so I'm just wondering if a role in the entertainment sector (games/film) is a primary focus or possibly other industries where CG related occupations exist?

    If the former?! then the bar, spaceship and castle interiors plus maybe the restaurant booth as well, for me have a kind of BioShock art deco vibe/feel.   

    my primary focus is on games and films, also I'm glad the art deco influence is noticeable, it's a style I really enjoy taking influence from, I've been working on re-arranging and changing up the castle scene to use in the future as well
  • sabillano
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    sabillano polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with James, too many layers, and movement here. I think you should better have the finished environment more time on screen, with way less movement.  It might be more interesting to see the same environment with different lighting rather than the layers.
    On the Kids game scene is nice that you have the walk through, clearly shows it is an environment for videogames.
    Also be carefull with the Vegas logo, try avoiding those things.
  • Lewis_kennedy
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