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Zbrush to Maya scale - scene too big causing issues

polycounter lvl 6
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obloquy polycounter lvl 6

I've got a scale problem with my scene thats causing issues and I'm not sure what to do.  I modelled everything in zbrush with its mm scale then exported the tiny version to Maya and scaled it up to real world size and put the calculated size into zbrush's export scale parameter.

When I came to add the hair, I ran into problems as the density of hair in xgen was too much even at small values causing the scene to be laggy and unworkable when doing hair.  I also encountered artifacts in my displacement extracted from zbrush which I'm sure has something to do with the scale of my scene as I've always used displacements from zbrush before without a problem.  

I've already done my shaders and started the hair so my question is what can I do at this late stage? Is there a way to resize my scene in Maya so I can fix these issues and still be able to set a new export scale in zbrush to match the new scaled down Maya scene if that makes sense? What is the correct scale to size the scene down if not real world?

If anyone can offer some advice it would be so appreciated, never had this problem before and didn't realize real world scale is too big! haha :)


  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I once worked on a project where an artist made a scale model of jupiter (a sphere). The model was only a thousand polygons but because the scale was so enormous it wouldn't fit in memory and you couldn't open the 3dsmax file. 

    So the correct scale is not real world unless you're actually 3d printing this or using it for architectural plans. I'd just try attaching everything to one transform then scale everything in half and see if that works. 
  • obloquy
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    obloquy polycounter lvl 6
    Hey man, thanks for getting back Glad I'm not the only one who had this issue! I'll just do that :)
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