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ISO a particular 3d software I can't remember the name of.

Been trying to find this one, but nothing in searches is coming up and I never kept the installer. It was more of a toy, but was fun and different. If this happens to ring any bells with anyone, I'd appreciate a link, please and thanks.

- I think it was Swedish or Norwegian, and that the name wasn't an english word (maybe).
- It was new somewhere in the last 5 years or so? pretty sure it had a thread here.
- Moody trailer with some dark quasi metal industrial music.
- Based around paint strokes and smaller input meshes.
- Kind of like Zbrush's IMM, but more free flow.
- People were having fun making weird stuff and experimenting with interesting materials in the thread.
- I seem to recall it able to do crazy booleans maybe.
- Had modifiers on the input meshes, similar to Photoshop's brush concept.
- Good for lots of repetitive abstract snakey stuff.


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