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exploding using _low and _high

polycounter lvl 4
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nickholl polycounter lvl 4
Hi, im trying out the marmoset trial, and am not sure ive quite got the exploding feature working :(.     Ive created my Bake group and then imported in my low and high fbx files (every mesh has _low or _high at the end).   I then drag the high and low files under the relevant folder in the bake group.  However, im getting artefacts that suggest my model isnt being epxloded before baking :-/

Am i doing anything wrong?  The same files seem to be exploding fine within Substance baker using the same _low _high names

thanks for your help!


  • EarthQuake
    To use the name matching feature, make sure:

    1. That the mesh objects are named *_high and *_low, not the mesh file (ie OBJ or FBX)
    2. That you're loading the mesh files via the Quick Loader interface. If you manually drag the mesh files into slots they will not be sorted by naming convention
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