Does anyone know a way to achieve something like Skinwrap modifier function from 3ds max inside of Maya?
I need in Maya to "skinwrap" some belts, saddle holsters, etc to the character body - then to convert, somehow this assets to skin.
I am pretty new to Maya, i am a native max user.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe there is someone else how can share another technique for this kind of task.
Thanks thomasp!
In general I stick to closest point on surface and closest joint. UV isn't a bad option if the UV's match but things that overlap usually don't weight correctly and uv stretching can really screw with the weights also.
You can also export skin weights (Deform > Export/Import Weights) which will export texture files with weights for each bone which is similar to copy by UV but you don't need to have a mesh to copy from. This is good if you have one mesh and need several different weight sets. Or if all of the models share a UV layout and you just want to bind the skin and load weights rather than import the new mesh into an old scene just to copy the weights. Bind, Import, Go.