A whole host of young and talented environment artists were eaten up by the industry in 2019.
"What should my portfolio look like? What quality level should I be hitting? When will studios start contacting me?"
Internships and Junior roles are notoriously competitive and these are common questions posed by students, grads and aspiring artists. Well look no further. Let this post fuel your motivation like petrol to a fire!
This post serves as a visual benchmark for those looking to get hired at the entry-level in 2020. To clarify, this list features artists under the spectrum of environment art that secured internships, junior or contract-based roles. Each and every one achieved a level of quality that caught the eyes of the best studios in the world.
Here's the shortlist.
Kieran Goodson - Junior Environment Artist at Rebellion | Portfolio | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn | Discord: AnHourOfWolves#9100