I made
This so I thought I'd pop it on Gumroad
What you get is a few (more to come) primitive shapes made of distance fields, nodes for boolean operations on distance fields, a mask generator with nice smooth edges and a trippy distance field visualiser.
With these tools you can easily create masterpieces such as those pictured below or alternatively do something constructive like make complex masks or combine heightmaps with soft intersections
The main benefit of the included primitives is that the shapes are defined by a function that emanates from the defined central point so your distance field stretches from 0 to infnity rather than you having to explicitly define a distance either side of a defined shape as you do using distance nodes.
The magic bits in this package are really the boolean operations and mask generator though
The boolean nodes support smoothed intersections so you can add fillets at joins between shapes etc. This will work with heightmaps (invert the values on the way in) as well as basic shapes so you can Eg. punch holes in a heightmap and filet off the edges
The mask generator is nice because it can give you a black and white mask with an anti aliased edge that's sharper and cleaner than blurring the result of a histogram scan/select/whatever.
You can certainly fudge all this stuff with standard nodes, I built this because I wanted a general solution that didn't require lots of manual tweaking
I'm very much enjoying mixing heightmap info with the df_boolean nodes - beats the shit out of being stuck with just max and signed add.
I ended up creating a load of extra nodes that help out in terms of combining distance fields with "normal" heightmaps - I'll get those into the gumroad package once I've tidied them all up.
I'd go with that - wouldn't have made mine if it existed at the time