Hey guys!
I wanted to post my final submission for this years Blizzard Student Art Contest.
I wanted to go for something persian-esque. Grabbed tons of reference from Sinbad concept art, Aladdin, as well as in-game WoW locations like Val'sharah and Suramar.
Any feedback/critique would be great!

For advice, I would say just study the style hardcore.Their style is whimsical, but dialed in with a strong sense of believably, whether its natural elements or man-made. For the hand-paintedness, its just practice and practice, while always having strong reference. Tons of great videos on youtube if you don't want to pay for any educational content. Otherwise, theres tons of great resources for stylized texturing that you can find on sites like 3DMotive, brushforge, and gumroad!
Good luck with your submission as well!
One last thing, do you have any advice for Wow lighting in unreal? its the software I'm using and I did some stuff like turn off tonemapper, eye adaption and global illumination and deleted lower from my skylight but it still seems off.
Anyway good luck to you though I don't think you need it!
Linus Asplund however just recently made a great tutorial for getting a closer look to the WoW style in Unreal, so I'd recommend checking that out as well!