Hello all! I really would like to get good at character modeling for AAA games and wanted to work on a project of a character I thought was cool so I picked X-23. Im still learning and reading as many tutorials as I can. If you have comments or critique, I'm all ears!
X-23 Reference
My Zbrush Sketch of X-23's body
Zbrush Sketch of X-23's Head
I'm super excited to move forward with this sculpt, but I would like some critique telling me what I should improve on.
Thanks alot @carvuliero ! I did my best to fix the stiffness of the arms and also increased the length of the arms and size of the hands along with other fixed based on your critique. Let me know if I still need to fix the arms or anything else!
I also decided to add clothing to the model to push me closer to the final result. Still alot of work to do!
If any of the clothes look weird please let me know!
Some detailed shots:
Also A or B?