For the last two days i am looking at the youtube videos and noone covered that.
1. Start new 3ds Max project. Empty one.
2. Draw a cylinder. Example radius 10cm, height 100cm. Select it and select Rotate gizmo.
3. Rotate Z point. Left or right. Cylinder will rotate in place. That's fine i want to animate that. And i want exactly that. That object is rotating in place. (in lack of better description - like drill tool rotate around itself or like earth is rotating around imaginary needle).
4. Now here is my problem. Select that cylinder and rotate it 45 degrees in space. So take X point and rotate +45 (or -45).
5. Try to rotate Z point now?!?! Object does not rotate in place (like drill tool) anymore. It fly through. Top part is not aligned to bottom part anymore. I am aware i rotated object 45 degrees but how can i make same "inplace" rotation
I have tried everything know this is something so stupid and simple. It must be. I spent two days on scriptspot trying various scripts which does not do what i need.
Can anyone help me? What i am doing utterly wrong? How can i rotate object like in point 3 but object which is rotate under angle? What the hell???
Tl;Dr? Make a dummy, link cylinder to it, rotate cylinder on X only, rotate dummy on Z only.
Send beers.
Thank you (that was fast). I will try to. It seems so simple in my mind yet it's very hard to do in 3ds max.
gimme 5 min
Then you'll see me rotating Cylinder 45 degrees. Then this rotation type isn't working anymore (drill tool rotation). Then i add second dummy object. I link the two. Whatever object i try to rotate rotation is always wrong..
Yes i did. I actually saw that article. When i change coordinate system from View to Local then my object behave perfectly when rotating gizmo. However that DOES NOT work on animation itself. Like i said i want to animate it. That "Local" thing works only for repositioning/rotating but it won't translate in animation of my object.
You don't need to link to another object. However if you wanted to control the rotation axes independently, then right after you create the "root" object, align it to the "child", THEN link the child to the parent.
a: there is no any key frames in timeline whatsoever
b: only two objects, nothing uncommon.
3. I set key, turn on auto key, i just quickly added some rotational point - i am aware technically this is not the most perfect animation keying.
4. I move time/frame bar and you see that even though i rotated and animated "Local" mode, it behave like i animate "View" mode.
I am totally lost this seemed so easy at first yet i am getting bags of frustration.
Either switch rotation controller to not use Quaternion. Or use hierarchy to abstract rotation axes.
If the latter, align the parent to the child, before linking.