I've wanted to do this ligthing study / re-light of this asset pack since it's free month on the Marketplace and finally got round to it.
The idea was a night scene with an eerie and ominous feel.
Some thoughts looking back at it now:
It's maybe a litte bright, but I hate having black dead space on the screen, but there is some room for tweeking.
The hanged man siloutte is maybe a bit much, but it's a piece for fun.
The composition of the shots are a bit stale.
All credit to the awesome assets go to Denys Rutkovskyi and Megascans I only made some minor tweeks to materials and textures here and there.
Any and all critique always welcome, thanks for stopping by.
But I don't know if this is a default scene that comes with this pack or you have built it yourself. Not much of a lighting critique though, sorry.
For lighting variation and interest, it'd be nice to show more influence from the moon. And some variation in lighting colors, maybe a campfire here and there with orangey spill.
When lighting a game level, it's helpful to use it both as a narrative device (tell a story, give the environment some backstories) and to guide the player to points of interest. What is the player supposed to do next in this level? Lighting hue/intensity/focus can guide movement.
just made +10 Shadows in the Shadows/Highlights adjustment on the "dark" picture in Photoshop.