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[WIP] Space Marine Character Model

polycounter lvl 4
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PatSaenzG polycounter lvl 4
Hello denizens of Polycount and welcome to my first post and attempt at a portfolio model. I poly modeled the whole thing so far and some additons I'm planning to make are a skull for the center aquilla and for one of the kneepads as well as raven decoration to go on the right shoulder pad. I will make a second post with progress on those

Any and all criticism is welcome and if theres anything in paricular about the model that you would like to see then simply let me know so that I can provide it. 



Areas of Intrest/Concern:
They probably already been spotted but I'll place these here anyway for better vewing


Connection between the hip armor and the leg armor

As previously said; any and all criticisms are welcome, I could really use them haha


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