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New Zbrush Hobbyist - A Guide to modeling game-ready models?

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Hello! This is my first post and I'm stoked to have found these forums. I'm new to the 3D modeling scene in general, but have been creative all my life. 

I've only just recently got more time to focus on learning Zbrush. I've gotten through Intro-to-Zbrush Pt 1, 2 & 3, by Michael Pavlovich. I find myself going back to these videos over and over to remember certain details.
What I can't seem to find is more method and technique tutorials. I'm starving for helpful info pointing me in a direction to becoming a better sculpter/modeler for game design. Can be advice, tutorials, tips&tricks, etc


  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Yeah, Michael's a dope artist and it would seem you're after a challenge as well, so I'd suggest his gumroad "Creature Production" course. A slightly advanced intermediate level series of over 18 hrs tuition plus as always extremely detailed step by step workflow in his own inimitable style, enjoy. 


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    yeah i'd say just keep seeking out tutorials that cover full process like that. there is so many it's hard to recommend a single one. Just find a teacher whose stlye and pace you like, exhaust all their content, and then move onto the next. In your own time you'll get to a point where you feel ready to fly on your own.

    There is a lengthy collection of tut's in the wiki on this site.

    one more note -- is easy to get overwhlemed with all the technical aspects of 3d. But don't forget the most important thing is to hone your eye as artist. Be able to discern the key fundamentals in any work you look at, and even if your own work falls short of the quality you wanted because you had too many technical hangups, so long as you understand what is the difference between good and bad art you'll be able to get to the good in time.
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