Hi everyone, you may have seen the news that a new update to Substance Painter is available and that it features our new automatic UV unwrap algorithm. It's still in beta but is already giving some great results.
We'd be thankful if when you try the feature and find that the UV it's giving you has errors or quality issues, if you could share these problematic meshes with us to help refine the algorithm and reach our ultimate goal of the perfect automatic UV

Thank you!
You can find more information about the release

Does it support UDIMs?
Are there any known issues if you have an asset with a lot of polyshells.
I have here two belts on a character and those arnt unfolding correct if i export everything combined.
If i export only the belt i get a clean unwrap.
we tried a few hard surface meshes, none with desirable results. Even something as simple as a cube doesn't unwrap without severe stretching.
Is multiple UV shells per mesh a feature that you are working on / plan to implement in the future?
is there something we are doing wrong?
I have to agree with the posts above. Sometimes its not good to have only one UV shell per polyisland.
Automatic UV mapping is the future, please relief us from this tedious work.
You are right, the main current limitation is that it creates a single UV chart per piece of geometry. It works best on organic models and complex models with lots of sub-objects at the moment. low poly hard surface is probably its weakest point for now, but it's also the easiest to manually unwrap
As we said it's a first beta and there is tons of room for improvements, thank you for the feedback! If you have models that fail spectacularly, please send them over if you can to help us refine the feature!
It has great potential and I can easily imagine all the things I would want in terms of user experience and production workflow, but it all depends on what the scope of this feature is.
But yes, we intend to make this a viable option for production workflows, so expect many improvements around it this year, this is inly the very beginning.
Bumping this thread.
Is this a valid workflow for AR/VR Assets today? I am looking for a way to quickly unwrap huge amounts of reduced CAD data.
No auto unwrap is actually as good as doing it properly by hand.
Only you can decide based on your needs whether its good enough for what you're making
Also "VR" is a little ambiguous, considering there is mobile and desktop VR platforms - both with VASTLY different budget/performance requirements. Either would yield a totally different answer.
That's sort of moot.
Auto unwraps are inefficient regardless of the platform, if you want to make the most out of the hardware you must do efficient things but if you can get what you need without being putting work into being efficient then why waste the energy?
Heh yeah, no matter what you're end target is - having good UVs is always ideal for many reasons. I've just noticed people say "this is for VR" and expect direct answers, when there still is more questions past that needing to be asked.