Hey everyone. I've been learning MAXScript for the past month and I am making something that allows a user to select a file in a Directory, copy/cut it and paste said file in a new specifiied directory. I think I've managed to get as far as showing a dialog rollout with a Browse function for the file I want to select and to select the directory I want to paste it in. The problem now is how exactly can I copy/paste the file, essentially emulating Window's "Copy" "Paste" feature within a MAXScript file? The file I'm trying to copy is an .mse file, so copying contents is essentially null.
I've tried copyFIle() but as far as I understand all it does is copy the contents from file A and write them in file B, which is not what i want.
I've also looked at DOSCommands but its copy function does not seem to be working correctly. Is there something I should be looking for or am missing?
It doesn't give me any error or anything, it simply just quickly flashes a window and does nothing.
I'll paste the snippet of the code in question ^^
Thank you in advance!
--------------------------- CODE SNIPPET-----------------------------------
-------------------------------- GUI --------------------------------
Global mseFileDir = ""
Global mseFileName = ""
Global mcrFolderDir = ""
Global mcrFileName = ""
rollout msePaths "MSE File"
-- Rollout UI
editText mse_path "" labelOnTop:true
button btn_mseBrowse "Browse..." width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- End Rollout UI
-- UI Functionality
on btn_mseBrowse pressed do
mseFilePath = ""
mseFileName = ""
mseFilePath = getOpenFileName caption:"Open File" types:"MSE(*.mse)|*.mse|"
if (mseFilePath != undefined) do
mse_path.text = mseFilePath
mseFileName = filenameFromPath mseFilePath
if (mseFilePath != undefined) do
append mseFileDir mseFilePath
print (mseFileDir)
print (mseFileName)
-- End UI Functionality
rollout mcrPaths "Macroscript Folder"
-- Rollout UI
editText mcr_path "" labelOnTop:true
button btn_mcrPathBrowse "Browse..." width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- End Rollout UI
-- UI Functionality
on btn_mcrPathBrowse pressed do
mcrFolderPath = ""
mcrFolderPath = getSavePath()
if (mcrFolderPath != undefined) do
mcr_path.text = mcrFolderPath
append mcrFolderDir (mcrFolderPath)
mcrFileName = mseFileName + ".mcr"
print (mcrFolderDir)
print (mcrFileName)
-- End UI Functionality
rollout scriptApply "Apply"
-- Rollout UI
button btn_Apply "Apply" width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- End Rollout UI
-- UI Functionality
on btn_Install pressed do
if (mseFilePath != undefined and mseFileName != undefined and mcrFolderPath != undefined) do
messageBox("MSE File is: " + mseFileName + " and MCR Folder Path is: " + mcrFolderPath)
DOSCommand ("copy " + mseFileName + " " + mcrFolderDir)
-- End UI Functionality
scriptApply = newRolloutFloater "Copy and Paste" 420 220
addRollout msePaths scriptApply
addRollout mcrPaths scriptApply
addRollout scriptInstall scriptApply
-------------------------------- GUI --------------------------------
Global mseFileDir = ""
Global mseFileName = ""
Global mcrFolderDir = ""
Global mcrFileName = ""
rollout scriptApply "Apply"
local mseFilePath = undefined
local mseFileName = undefined
local mcrFolderPath = undefined
editText mcr_path "" labelOnTop:true
button btn_mcrPathBrowse "Browse..." width:100 height:20 align:#left
editText mse_path "" labelOnTop:true
button btn_mseBrowse "Browse..." width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- Rollout UI
button btn_Install "Apply" width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- End Rollout UI
-- UI Functionality
on btn_mcrPathBrowse pressed do
mcrFolderPath = ""
mcrFolderPath = getSavePath()
if (mcrFolderPath != undefined) do
mcr_path.text = mcrFolderPath
append mcrFolderDir (mcrFolderPath)
mcrFileName = mseFileName + ".mcr"
print (mcrFolderDir)
print (mcrFileName)
on btn_mseBrowse pressed do
mseFilePath = ""
mseFileName = ""
mseFilePath = getOpenFileName caption:"Open File" types:"MSE(*.mse)|*.mse|"
if (mseFilePath != undefined) do
mse_path.text = mseFilePath
mseFileName = filenameFromPath mseFilePath
if (mseFilePath != undefined) do
append mseFileDir mseFilePath
print (mseFileDir)
print (mseFileName)
on btn_Install pressed do
format "mseFilePath: % \n" mseFilePath
format "mcrFolderPath: % \n" mcrFolderPath
-- if (mseFilePath != undefined and mseFileName != undefined and mcrFolderPath != undefined) do
-- (
-- messageBox("MSE File is: " + mseFileName + " and MCR Folder Path is: " + mcrFolderPath)
copyFile mseFileName (mcrFolderPath + "\\" + mseFileName)
-- )
-- End UI Functionality
createDialog scriptApply
-- scriptApply = newRolloutFloater "Copy and Paste" 420 220
-- addRollout msePaths scriptApply
-- addRollout mcrPaths scriptApply
-- addRollout scriptInstall scriptApply
-------------------------------- GUI --------------------------------
rollout scriptApply "Apply"
local mseFilePath = undefined
local mseFileName = undefined
local mcrFolderPath = undefined
editText mcr_path "" labelOnTop:true
button btn_mcrPathBrowse "Browse..." width:100 height:20 align:#left
editText mse_path "" labelOnTop:true
button btn_mseBrowse "Browse..." width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- Rollout UI
button btn_Install "Apply" width:100 height:20 align:#left
-- End Rollout UI
-- UI Functionality
on btn_mcrPathBrowse pressed do
mcrFolderPath = getSavePath()
if (mcrFolderPath.count > 0) do
mcr_path.text = mcrFolderPath
on btn_mseBrowse pressed do
mseFilePath = getOpenFileName caption:"Open File" types:"MSE(*.mse)|*.mse|"
if (mseFilePath.count > 0) do
mse_path.text = mseFilePath
on btn_Install pressed do
sPath = mcr_path.text
sName = filenameFromPath(mse_path.text)
--check if the chosen directory is writeable
writ = isDirectoryWriteable sPath
--check if the selected file exists
exists = doesFileExist(mse_path.text)
if (writ and exists) then (
val = copyFile mse_path.text (sPath + "\\" + sName)
if (val == false) do (
--if copyfile fails, check if file already exists since we alredy know
--that the folder is writeable
val = doesFileExist (sPath + "\\" + sName)
if (val) then (
print "File already exists, ask user if he wants to replace it"
) else (
print "File doesn't exist"
) else (
if (writ == false) do (
print "Directory isn't writeable"
if (exists == false) do (
print "mse file doesn't exist"
-- End UI Functionality
createDialog scriptApply
-- scriptApply = newRolloutFloater "Copy and Paste" 420 220
-- addRollout msePaths scriptApply
-- addRollout mcrPaths scriptApply
-- addRollout scriptInstall scriptApply