Bifrost does have a unified MPM solver. But its not about simulation its about Visual Programming. Volume modeling and Rigging are also on the roadmap.
Thanks for your detail answer Oglu, bifrost looks interesting, but not clean / mature enough imo to compete with DOPS and to justify to learn a new dyn solver. That would be sweet to be able to manipulate bifrost as a standalone solver like naiad to avoid the extra weight of Maya and to fasten the solves. Well the good news for Maya user is that Maya looks to get all the love at AD.
Yeah, i received the notification on my email this morning. The problem is that 95 % of the new features are for animators and riggers. For modeling the increased viewport performance is always welcome and the fact that they ( finally ) introduced the polyRemesh and polyRetopo as standard tools is a good thing, maybe they are more stable and overall better now.
Arnold fully GPU is also good but i use real time rendering even for hard surface design so for me it doesn't change anything.
Good release overall, finally some new features. I also noticed that Autodesk is more active on Twitter, they probably feel some pressure from other softwares.
Still no announcement for Maya indie EU and i don't know if i can move from Maya LT to Indie without paying anything or only the difference ( if any ) if i renew my sub and if they release it next year.
I noticed that they set the undo to infinite by default instead of 50. I used to set them to 200 for avoiding memory leaks but i don't know if it matters anymore.
Infinity could be a bit risky. Autodesk does have a strange opinion how the hardware of a "Standard" Arist looks like. VFX Studio Workstations tend to have dual Quadro/Geforce Cards and 256GB of ram. Which isnt the norm for Games.
Infinity could be a bit risky. Autodesk does have a strange opinion how the hardware of a "Standard" Arist looks like. VFX Studio Workstations tend to have dual Quadro/Geforce Cards and 256GB of ram. Which isnt the norm for Games.
I set them up to 200 like usual. It's more than enough. I think they set the undos to infinite for beginners because someone on the forum said that the default 50 undos were too few for a beginner that make a lot of mistakes.
Also, aren't the VFX industry supposed to change to Python 3 as a standard in 2020?
And Python 3 is in the works.
Most development energy is on USD and Bifrost.
Volume modeling and Rigging are also on the roadmap.
Here some examples.
More Background Info about Bifrost.
USD is ready but you have to compile it yourself. There are plans to ship Binaries.
For modeling the increased viewport performance is always welcome and the fact that they ( finally ) introduced the polyRemesh and polyRetopo as standard tools is a good thing, maybe they are more stable and overall better now.
Arnold fully GPU is also good but i use real time rendering even for hard surface design so for me it doesn't change anything.
Good release overall, finally some new features. I also noticed that Autodesk is more active on Twitter, they probably feel some pressure from other softwares.
Still no announcement for Maya indie EU and i don't know if i can move from Maya LT to Indie without paying anything or only the difference ( if any ) if i renew my sub and if they release it next year.
VFX Studio Workstations tend to have dual Quadro/Geforce Cards and 256GB of ram. Which isnt the norm for Games.
I think they set the undos to infinite for beginners because someone on the forum said that the default 50 undos were too few for a beginner that make a lot of mistakes.