Hey there!
Im currently on the final stretch of this project i am doing as part of my environment art class, we were given about 3 weeks to create and finish a modular sci fi hallway. Since I'm basically on the latter part of the project i decided to upload some screenshots here for some feedback while i still have time to implement it.
I based the scene on some concepts by Adrien Girod who is a fantastic artist on artstation -
https://www.artstation.com/kurobotI'm following the main concept in that its meant to be a station/colony on mars, I wanted to have a view of the outside but im not going to have enough time to implement it, maybe later with some quixel assets

(plants are quixel btw).
I Also still need to add a bunch of decals for storytelling and atmosphere.
All feedback is appreciated!

I got around to adding a bunch of mesh decals and signage to add some storytelling to the scene,also added a bunch of tubes to the ceilling and had some fun with setting up some compositional shots.
Still have a few things i need to finish and polish before i'm done.
I'm also thinking of making some custom foliage since the quixel one is too good (its taking over the scene, and i feel guilty