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Portfolio review.

polycounter lvl 4
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deedoubleyou polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys,
I finally have my portfolio to a level where I think I have a chance at landing my first job. I have been having no luck as of yet but im sure it will happen eventually. Any advice, or anything you think is missing from my portfolio would be appreciated, cheers. 



  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I think the sculpting on Troy's pants is looking a little noisy, and his hair sculpt isn't really too impressive.

    Aapo's texturing looks like it could use a lot of work. The tendons that lead to his toes also go really far up his foot and look unnatural. His loin cloth looks a bit noisy as well.

    Troy is the only face you can see in your portfolio, and he is a bit stylized, so I'd wonder if you could sculpt faces in other styles.

    I'm not a character artist, but these are my first thoughts. Good luck!
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