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Best method to render untextured model?

polycounter lvl 4
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deedoubleyou polycounter lvl 4
Im looking to make some renders of my high poly mesh to add to my portfolio and am wondering what is the best way to go about it. With my textured models I use marmoset but my untextured model just doesnt look good in marmoset. The BPR render in z brush gives allot more detail. Is there a better type of material to use for renders? I use mat cap grey to sculpt. 


  • Eric Chadwick
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    Haven't updated this page in a while. If you find some cool resources, or want to add to it, reply here! 

    But basically, it's all about lighting. Put on a semigloss material, add an IBL, and one or two directional lights.

    Learn about traditional lighting for portraiture. There's a ton out there.

    Also check Artstation for models you like, then examine them closely and try reproducing the lighting.

    Post you attempts for critique and advice. 
  • deedoubleyou
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    deedoubleyou polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks alot for the help! I still couldnt ge the result i wanted through Arnold so I opted for zbrush/photoshop in the interest of time. I will definately get back on it and learn the ropes down the line though.
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