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Gimme Feedback, please! Environment pieces

Hi guys, my name is Rodrigo. I’m an illustrator and tattoo artist based on Brazil.
Videogames are my passion and I hope someday I can break into the industry as a painter. Right now I’m studying concept art and I’m trying to start small before I can manage bigger projects. I’m working on some environment pieces for my portfolio and I would like some feedback to improve my artwork.

The first two are part of a course I’m taking on environment art.

The brief says its supposed to be a cave-like place with a hidden path and a blue glowing plant contrasting with the warmer tones of the rocks.

Here, it was supposed to be a big valley with ravaging clouds and old ruins.

And the last one was made just for fun but I wanted to experiment with dramatic lighting.

I used Procreate on a 1st gen IPad Pro to make the pieces.

I would absolutely love to get some real feedback and tips on photobashing, shape language and composition. Thank you!

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