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Anatomy/Character learning, CC please~



  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    That's looking a lot better!
    The cut of the calf muscles looks a bit exaggerated.
    Great stuff.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Belated thanks @kanga ;)

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    I only see the flaws clearly when I post screengrabs on the forum. I miss many of them while i'm in sculpting...

    So, cleaned up, fixed the face to where i feel it's almost there.

    Took an older sculpt i'd worked on a while back that was in a T-pose and aimed to match the pose of the male body sculpt from before. Gotta fix the anatomy in some places, it got a bit messed when I was rotating/moving around, the hips especially.

    It's 7.5 heads right now, seems ok. I'll scale her whole size down later, as she's almost the same size as the male just while i was matching up the pose.

    Her head is tilted downwards slightly coming from the original concept i started out with, I plan to adjust it.

    Back to it...

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Today's effort:

    I used a female life reference whilst matching the pose to the male sculpt. I really like that pose, and also I hope it is easy for rigging later down the line.

    Hoping to finish up both female and male sculpts someday soon so I can start actually making characters, clothes, experiment with different physiques... go back and try at more stylized stuff after getting a better handle on real-life anatomy.....the fun stuff :)

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Today's effort:

    It feels like I'm getting closer to getting it down, but i'm still not confident enough in my sculpting to say it's there yet and can polish up details more.

    Would really love any crits or confirmation if it's looking right.
    The arms especially I've been scratching my head, they match up well enough with the reference I've been using and look ok to me...i think?
    But they seem long compared to the male sculpt...

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I have a few suggestions :
    Try to analyse your references then compare to your model
    Maybe will be a good idea to pose some of your references
    I think will be beneficial if you critique your work before someone else give you critique , mark what you think is not working even if you dont know if it is but feel wrong mark that as well, on things you have idea what is wrong write what it is and how are you going to fix it  , post result as well
    If you can post side view without arms

    I have a questions why she have 2 ASIS indicated ?

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks @carvuliero

    Ha, yeah, I got somewhat fixated with trying to carve out detail lines I thought where there that maybe shouldn't be...

    Here's the reference I'm using:

    I searched for ages to find a good body ref that was close to the pose I wanted to achieve, this one matched up pretty well...(except the folded arms).

    Gonna work on it some more tonight, will post next progress pics with arms hidden too :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    I have a bad habit of trying to follow detail lines in a reference pic without actually understanding the anatomy behind them....and just hope if I follow the lines like in the reference picture, it'll work out ok.... I should know better by now ^^

    Before I get carried away with trying to add any more detail, here's a quick attempt at the hips fix, feels better than before.

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Trying to get proportions nailed down. Need to work on ribcage and back also.

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
     Ok I suggest to ignore hands and all the other views and focus on side view till you get something proportionally correct
    Little check list for you
    -check how forms sit on of top of each other and their orientation [I have drown plumb line so you can see how head relate to the ground and everything in between , to find orientation of individual form draw line through the middle for example neck have diagonal orientation forward ]
    -check proportion
    -check rhythm [red arrows , notice that curve of front of the thigh and calf is stronger then that of back of the thigh and tibia ]
    -check thickness of parts or high low points
    if you cant read the text open gif image in photoshop it will open all layers
    There is nothing different for male model find a good side view ref and run the check list

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks @ carvuliero, your feedback is amazingly helpful, I really appreciate your time to do this~~~

    Working from your feedback to fix up the sculpt, I think a problem I may also be having is that my reference photos are all in perspective and sculpting in orthographic view trying to match the ref photos in viewport means getting proportions somewhat wrong...

    Unfortunately, Zbrush perspective view doesn't 'lock' the background pic in place like in orthographic, if that makes sense? so I figured that I should only follow the background pic to a certain extent and will have to rely on my own judgment (and feedback paintovers!) to work it out.

    I always feel the body looks kinda 'dumpy' in orthographic, looks much better in perspective,

    But I should be sculpting in orthographic, right?

    Today's attempt:

    Still a ways to go,

    Thank you again for your help :)

    After posting, and comparing to the paintover again,
     I had to try and fix quickly for today:

    -lower leg added some bulge 
    -pelvic area/inner thigh brought inwards more

    ...I think its right....?

    ..also, I realized after a break from the male sculpt and looking again...his feet (and possibly hands) are way too big. Will push on to get the female base done, then go go back and finish up the male.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Hi, just going to toss a method out there for probably anyone but for you specifically since you mentioned the perspective limitations. vavavoom said:
    I always feel the body looks kinda 'dumpy' in orthographic, looks much better in perspective,
    You can use the timeline to stamp a view you want to be working in and always return to that view at anytime, if you are using more angular(45 degree rotation as an example) references.
    Should be simple to figure out, looks good and i self critique after every night, if i am working on a project or challenges(no longer participating in those, unless pc makes one.)
    Hopefully any of this is useful to anyone, looking forward to more progress.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks @DavidCruz,

    Will search how to do the method you mentioned. Outside of sculpting I have limited knowledge of the features available in Zbrush, so I don't know how to do that.

    Also, I decided to reexamine the sculpting pose:

    A looks much nicer to me and feels more comfortable to follow reference pics,
    but I'm not sure which is best for rigging later on?

  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    vavavoom said:Thanks @DavidCruz,
    Zbrush, so I don't know how to do that.

    ^ quick video hopefully it explains it through its visuals.
    Yes there are a lot of neat tricks you figure out while working with software's.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks guys, especially @DavidCruz for the video link, super helpful!

    @JustAfterDark, that's a good idea I actually tried initially, but i couldn't pull it off, I couldn't get the feminine shape and proportions right, it ended up looking bad  (つ﹏<)

    So, I went ahead and decided to go for the 'A' pose from here on. I'm not experienced enough to sculpt in more complex poses.

    I'm pretty happy with the hips, still trying to work out detail lines, so it's a bit lumpy right now. Will work on arms/back next....

    The problem I'm stuck at now is the rib cage/upper abs area. The reference I'm using doesn't have a side view, and other references and sculpts I searched seem to have different takes on anatomy..??  I can't work it out, so the stomach area is a mess right now as I tried to work it to the ribs/upper abs.

    Here's where I'm at now:

    *EDIT* looking at my progress pic, I think I may have scaled the head down too small...will experiment more with that on next attempt.

    Here's the ref I've been trying to follow:

    Thanks ~ ^^
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Today's effort:

    Feels like i'm edging slowly in the right direction...i hope.

    Had another bash at the hips and chest. Need to start working on the back next, to clean the sides and connect up to the ribs.

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Except for polishing and detailing,  tidying up the back/arms,  I'm not really sure where to go from here now...

    I spent a long while rechecking and comparing earlier paintover crits and other anatomy refs online,

    In terms of posture, anatomy forms.... I moved stuff around to try and follow the guide from @carvuliero , whilst trying to keep to the front reference pic at the same time as best as possible.

    When I push the chest in  (BLUE arrow), it looks too sunken from front or other angle...so I'm guessing it may be a difference in pose from the older ref pic I tried to follow before...OR, i'm still getting the rib cage wrong, I misunderstood the anatomy guide (PINK) and need to move it back.

    I will try it out later,

    Except for the ribs anatomy mistake? other than  polishing/detailing,  tidying up the back/arms,  I'm not really sure where to go from here now...


    She looks pretty nice to me in perspective...

  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Nice progress, vavoom. Where to go from here? I suggest moving onto another project, take all that you learned from this and apply it to your following studies. I don't recommend ruminating over pieces too much, scrap it and start again! :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth

    Thanks guys, I think you're right :)

    I'm getting sucked into this sculpt too much.  I kinda got into using this thread as my own personal learning diary, with any feedback a greatly appreciated bonus. Thanks for all your help, I definitely learned a lot
    ~ :)   

    Not sure I wanna scrap it though...

    I will give it one more pass, then store it away on the back burner and maybe come back to it when I feel I can improve it significantly in the future.

    I'll post some last pics of my final pass, and then this thread can fade away into the ether.

    Again, thanks for all help and feedback~ 
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    You could continue working on her probably using better references you could also do a study of a 3d scan to better understand forms
    or start a new study and when you stuck and cant understand specific form help yourself with 3d scan , you could also do a ribcage and pelvis study and how they work together + skull [I have refs in my post learn the see /planes ] highly recommend last one
    You could do tracing over some references simplifying the form to something that you can memorize like tapering boxes or ovals also locating and learning orientation/angle of every body part will improve your work a lot [check last image ]
    More specifically for your current model :
    - check curves of the lower leg your legs are tapering way to fast , maybe check a muscle diagram to help you understand form in this area
    - check orientation of the arm , every part of the arm has its own orientation/angle yours are straight
    -check orientation of the neck and where it connect to he head
    -check how curvature of abdominal area is changing below the breast to the pubic bone and what are the furthers points

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Oh! You posted same time as I posted to call done on this...  :)

    Thank you so much @carvuliero, you've been the best!

    Also, that top ref you posted, is the same ref I'd been working from but has the side view, That's a great help!

    I'm gonna use it for my final pass at this sculpt, then I'm calling it a day on this one.   

    I'll post the results soon, and start something new to keep learning~~~
  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Not saying you should scrap this thread, I think you should totally set this as your anatomy learning diary. This can be where you log all your progress!

    +1 to carvuliero's comment about studying the ribcage/pelvis interaction and skull studies. Having the knowledge of the underlying structure can really help! After all that is the foundation to the body
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks @bkost~

    Here's my final pass, I used the 3D scan ref @carvuliero posted to finish it up, it was a great help!

    I'll store this sculpt away for now and perhaps come back to it after doing some other studies.

    It still has plenty of tidying up and detailing needed, also the head is from a different ref/sculpt I'd been working on, but I matched it up with the body well enough i think.

    But I learned so much from this I can use for further sculpting studies~~~ :)

    With hindsight, I should have found a 3D scan like the one above that has front/back/side profiles and made it my goal to nail that down first. Instead I swapped about references and was kinda all over the place in terms of trying to sculpt anatomy to the pose I wanted in my mind.

    Hope to back soon with something new~ :)

    Thanks again~~~

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