Hi all,
I'm struggling to find any solution that would work the same as spline decals in Cryengine. In UE4 it has to be textured mesh (plane) which has it's obvious negatives and it requires a lot of manual tweaking and I found it impossible to integrate it to the landscape without visible seams. Have anyone alreday found a better solution to this or is this really the one way of working? Does anyone know how AAA developers are dealing with this? I already noticed runtime virtual texturing could solve this but people trying this technique say that there is a great quality loss when using on larger landscapes (cant test it on my own at this moment). Thank you.
RVT's are indeed a great option, which will only become more viable in the future as the resolution and functionality is improved. They solve blending and allow th fancy use of decals to create complex intersections and markings.
Another way, if you stick with a mesh based approach is by getting your road material to read from the same heightmap the terrain uses and offset it's position, this is cheap and effective for small-medium sized maps, but becomes unviable with giant maps.
Distance fields are an option, however this approach is prohibitively expensive in most cases.
@CupMcCakers could you please share more info about how to get road material to read from terrain heightmap? Is it a terraing heightmap plugged in world position offset?
Obscura's suggestion for using a render target would work if you had a massive world and the resolution of the required texture would be too large.
virtual texturing makes simply using the heightmaps a good option in most cases though.