Hello everyone. I'm 22 years old and I'm trying to start a career in 3D. I am diagnosed with asperger syndrome and anxiety and would like to know the time taken or given to complete a task.
For example, the time to create a tiled texture, character in Zbrush -- model, uv map and create textures for props -- hand animations -- level blockout/creation -- lightning, things like that.
I sculpted a rock in 10/15 minutes some days ago and I'm sure the time i taked to make somehing like this is small.
I tried to explain as best I could so sorry if it got confusing.
Thank you.
speed comes with practice and doing things over and over. If you are learning, just focus on getting the best possible looking end result
Thanks again for the tips. Im doing a forest scene based on this art by Jeremy Fenske (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ogwaW)
My biggest problem is the vegetation parts (rocks, grasses, trees, etc)
Here's a album with my vegetation progress: https://imgur.com/a/rcZXb0a
The rocks were created on Zbrush. The Grass leafs were made on Blender and imported to Zbrush for Bending and Polypaint.
Critics, suggestion are more than welcome.
In terms of real world timescales it'll depend where you work and what the styles are but from my experience leading asset teams and running outsource for a few years the following seems to be a decent rule of thumb
A modular set of about 10-15 pieces (Eg, machinery, rocks, girders etc) for a AAA title would take 15-20days including feedback cycles.
This includes high res, low res, material, LODs and ready to go in game.
This is with preapproved concept art, technical specs, block out models in place and an artist at junior/standard level doing the work.
I've seen complete levels built for FPS games in 3 months but I've also seen them take 2 years when stuff goes horribly. It's hugely dependent on scale, complexity and whether stuff changes or not..