Hello. I would like to ask you for you help. I used a lot of Maya in previous days but right now I am switching to blender.
I have difficulties with getting used to blender, especially pivots, snapping and aligning. Of course I am googling and doing my own shortcuts but it is still very confusing for me.
Right now I am starting to thing that similar to gizmo, my approach is wrong because I was using maya before.
Let's say, that I have a box that I want to snap with bottom face to the grid in blender. For example in maya I can do this like this.
1 - Box
2- I press D for moving pivot, and V for snapping it to vertexes. And I snap pivot i Z axis to lower vertexes.
3. I press X for grid snap and move box to grid 0,0,0. Done.
How can I accomplish that easiest in blender 2.8 ?
Thanks and Cheers
For setting the pivot point to one of the faces, the quickest way is to select one of the faces then set the "Cursor to Selected" while in Edit Mode (Shift + S, then option 2). Then go back to Object Mode and under the "Object" menu at the bottom of the viewport UI go to "Set Origin" then "Origin to 3D Cursor". (You may also want to right click the "Origin to 3D Cursor" menu and add it to Quick Favourites (Quick Favourites is a context sensitive menu brought up with the "Q" key.)
Some addons that help make the process easier (and smarter).
Some examples are:
Modo-Me: https://blendermarket.com/products/modo-me-modo-action-centers-in-blender
Originie: https://blendermarket.com/products/Teleport-the-pivot-with-magic-a-feature-packed-pivot-master-add-on
You can see it in action here: