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Is my low poly model of gun good so far?

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Deniell triangle
Hi everyone.
This is the first time I'm doing low poly from high poly and although I'm following tutorial, I made some things differently so my retopology is not as 100% precise as in the video. Can you please take a look on this? Maybe if there are many dense areas or vice versa etc. Thank you!


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I hate to break it to ya, but your topology is pretty bad. First, you want to avoid triangles in your low poly as much as possible. Also, long triangles is a big no. You've also got a lot of spots where a ton of edges are all converging to a single point, which is a big no. Have you watched any tutorials on topology?
  • Deniell
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    Deniell triangle
    Well, I've watched some of them. I know that quads is the most optimal for my mesh, expecially when it's animated. But I also heard that triangles are not bad if you do game model but everyone says something different (maybe I should have mentioned earlier :D ). If some of the things I mentioned above are wrong, please let me know. Now to the turorial...I found it on Gumroad from Simon Fuchs and bought it because it is from start to finish and for begginers with positive comments. And even though I didn't make it on 100% accurately, he has basicly the same kind of topologyso far - many triangles and lots of edges connected to one point. Like I said, I'm quite new in this so I can't say whether it's good or bad but I have to say that I have learnt many things from it. And most importantly, thank you for your feedback. :)
    That's how it should look in the end - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lVy0bV

  • CrackRockSteady
    I hate to break it to ya, but your topology is pretty bad. First, you want to avoid triangles in your low poly as much as possible. Also, long triangles is a big no. You've also got a lot of spots where a ton of edges are all converging to a single point, which is a big no. Have you watched any tutorials on topology?

    There is nothing wrong with having triangles in your low poly model.
  • ghost-d
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    ghost-d polycounter lvl 18
    I hate to break it to ya, but your topology is pretty bad. First, you want to avoid triangles in your low poly as much as possible. Also, long triangles is a big no. You've also got a lot of spots where a ton of edges are all converging to a single point, which is a big no. Have you watched any tutorials on topology?

    There is nothing wrong with having triangles in your low poly model.
    I agree on this one. There´s nothing wrong about triangles in lowpoly models. Triangles are usually difficult to work with on highpoly models (where meshsmooth modifier will be later applied) or models that are meant to be later used in sculpting programs such as Zbrush (some stretching and unnecessary artifacts might occur on higher subdivision levels around triangles during sculpting and it´s better to avoid that using quads only for such model).
    There´s plenty of triangles in the model you used as a reference and it´s doing fine, so don´t worry, you´ll be fine too.

  • Dethling
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    Dethling polycounter lvl 11
    It looks good for me, in a low poly the topology is there to hold the form. I don't see any edges in your model who didn't contribute to the form. 
    Only thing that's worrying me is the polycount. You have some areas which have a high polycount, which didn't add much to the shape of the model. I think you can reduce the polycount in this areas a little bit (red). 
    The blue star-point would worry me a little bit, maybe I would change the edgeflow like shown with the green lines. This would add a few more polys, but removes some of the star-edges. 

    Another question: did you do the high-poly already? If not I would rethink my topology. When doing hard surface parts I normally do a "mid-poly" first. At this mid poly I defines the shape of the object (while not think about polycount) and try to have a clean, mostly quad topology. From their I duplicate one low poly where I optimize the edge-flow and then use the mid poly as a base for the high-poly. For this I add additional support edges and "quadify" the topology to get a clean high poly when adding turbosmooth (or double-turbosmooth) modifier.
    This way I make sure my high poly and low poly match up and I get a nice & clean bake. 

  • Deniell
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    Deniell triangle
    Thank you guys for feedback. I'm glad you are helping me.
    @Dethling Thanks for the picture. This morning I also found out that star connect is weird so I redo it in my way :D . But I tried to reduce the polycount like you said.And for the second question - I started with mid poly, then brought to Zbrush to make high poly a make some details on it and then I came back to 3DS Max and started to reduce the polycount from my mid poly. But when I did mid poly and then export to Zbrush, I had many N-gons there but I didn't have any problems with that.

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