Hey all
So I know this forum get's flooded with baking issues but this one is an issue I've never encountered myself and I really ran out of options right now (except for ''start from scratch'').
A bit of background. I have a highpoly model existing of several meshes with turbosmooth on exploded for a clean and easy bake on a low poly mesh.

This image does most of the explaining really. I tried all the obvious ones like: Reset X from, reapply turbosmooth, attach mesh to a fresh cube, attach the mesh to another element of my highpoly, check my UV isles, export settings, bake settings...
Anyone encountered the same issue before? It's probably faster to start those meshes from scratch again but would love to know if this is a common issue/resolvable/avoidable or this is one of these rare cases of ''yo wtf software??''
You can download my high/low poly, substance and max file here
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p7jfwNXLXorNsX_S-XGU5q5VrxpTGst7?usp=sharing(I know I've got some other baking issues but those still need to be resolved but shouldn't be a problem)
A desperate and slightly frustrated artist
[SOLVED] --> Collapse the modifier stack and make sure Isoline Display is turned off
Or you could try exporting the high as a .obj keep but the lp fbx .
These thing are always fun to solve
It's indeed one of those cases that could be anything.
Thanks again!