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Need advice on sculpting the back / Critique Female anatomy

polycounter lvl 6
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Alkarath polycounter lvl 6

I'm struggling to understand how the boney landmarks and muscles influence the shape of the back, was wondering if some of you got some helpful tips and/or references?
Also any critique on the sculpt is highly appreciated,
I used mixed reference from all over the place, so i'm unable to post the reference material for comparison.


  • sarasumm
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    sarasumm polycounter lvl 4
    It doesn't look like you're too far off here. The clavicles, in particular, look great. I'd suggest looking for more references for the latissimus and scapula. Right now the lats are looking a bit too thin and could use some widening up. The scapulae are pretty far apart, kind of like they would be if the figure was pushing their shoulders forward. Bringing those closer together and widening the lats should help bring the whole sculpt together. 

    This diagram helps me a lot when I sculpt backs

    Good luck moving forward!
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