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[Solved][Python - Blender] Hide Boolean Cutters?

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Justo polycounter
I use a simple toggle wires script to toggle the wireframe of the objects in my viewport on/off. However, I’d like to take this a step further: to any cutters visible in the scene (regular geo with its display type set to WIRE), also them vanish on/off too.

I believe the quickest way would be to toggle the Show in Viewport property of cutter objects (bpy.context.object.hide_viewport = NOT bpy.context.object.hide_viewport), and the way to identify which objects would be by searching the ones with its Display type set to WIRE. Is this a smart and fast way to achieve this? Does anyone know how to smartly & efficiently do this without making the script take a heavy performance toll?

This is the simple script I use:

  1. def wire_toggle(self, context):
       if context.space_data.overlay.show_wireframes:
           context.space_data.overlay.show_wireframes = False
           context.space_data.overlay.show_wireframes = Truedef execute(self, context):


  • Justo
    Offline / Send Message
    Justo polycounter
    ok so, I was able to do it by iterating through all the objects inside the Cutters collection :) Since I use HOps, the addon's boolean ops conveniently sends cutter objects there anyway.

    1. for obj in bpy.data.collections["Cutters"].all_objects:
    2. if obj.type == 'MESH' and obj.display_type == 'WIRE':
    3. obj.hide_viewport = False
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