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Dead by Daylight Fanart - Mummy

polycounter lvl 6
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Quagernaut polycounter lvl 6
Hi there.

I am a massive fan of Dead by Daylight and have been working on a fan character based on the Egyptian curse of mummies. So far this is just the high poly but plan to retop, texture and pose. I'm not great at rendering from zbrush but hope this is enough for some critique. After rendering i have noticed some areas of improvement myself such as the helmet lines not ringing all the way around at the base and some objects floating to far from the mesh but wanted to post these so i can work on that and advice and feedback :). Thank you and i hope you enjoy :). (You may have to open the images in another tab to get the full detail view as i did not want to post tons of images to soft through so instead compiled them like this for convenience.) 

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