I have a very soft spot for Gainax' old shows, for which I've wanted for a looong while to pay some kind of tribute to their legacy. Nadia was a show with its ups and downs during its broadcast and production - but when it got going it was a delight, and I feel like Marie represents the joyful adventures I loved the most about the show.
@marioffgallo Thanks Mario! Yeah I put them there. It's something heavily inspired in Disney Infinity & DINSAI Studio sculpts, though not as boxy as some of those designs. I tried toning down the amount of hard lines on the skin so as to differentiate it from the rest of the model, but I felt it still needed some lines here and there (cheeks, hands) so as to maintain the overall aesthetic Initially though there were a lot more hard lines on her face, like on her brow, but I felt softer shapes suited her better in the end.
The hard edges on hair and skin were intentional?
Just curious.
I tried toning down the amount of hard lines on the skin so as to differentiate it from the rest of the model, but I felt it still needed some lines here and there (cheeks, hands) so as to maintain the overall aesthetic
@Tits Thanks for putting this on the front page!