I'm sure i'm not the only one who finds lighting complex, and I'm currently trying to get my head around the basics. This very crude scene uses dynamic lighting which all seems to make sense so far, but I really have no idea on what the right approach to brighten up the tree would be ?
I have a single directional light ( movable of course ), a sky sphere, and a sky light. I can see that the sky light is adding the bounce lighting which in turn is brightening up the interior of the "building", but trying to get this to brighten up the tree trunk clearly isn't right.
There seems to be so many different components and settings as regards lighting a scene that I'm finding it difficult to understand the correct approach.
Any guidance would be very welcome...
Also disable "lower hemisphere is solid color". The default setting of this is enabled, and black color assigned. Meaning that the faces of the meshes pointing fully down will not receive any ambient lighting. You can try keeping the option enabled and assigning a color other than black, that works too, but when its disabled, it samples the bottom of the cubemap which again, can give more realistic result.
This should make the shadows much brighter.
I can see the effect on the scene that changing those parameters has. Thanks for the response.
Its actually the dark side of the tree trunk that I'm really trying to lighten up. Any suggestions on the right direction to take as regards making this brighter ?
Hi Obscura. I have rebuilt the lighting but this had no effect ( but I have learnt that if I switch the mobility of a light or object to dynamic, the lightmaps will need to be re-baked to remove any outdated lighting ). I have also bumped-up the skylight intensity to 1.5. I suspect my issue was with the tree asset. I swapped it out, and this one looks great, just what I was looking for
Many thanks for your help....
Hi, Tim. Thanks for reaching out - I've just been watching a bunch of your stuff on YouTube, and did indeed get your preset lighting pack recently from GumRoad. The YouTube stuff is very helpful, and you got a like and subscribe from me