Hi all,
Been working on this project for a little while. Actually have the whole progress from the start in my sketchbook thread: (
https://polycount.com/discussion/213185/sketchbook-animru). Thought it might be better to get feedback here though.

Second image is my main reference.
I've just gone through a few iterations of my textures in substance painter and assembled it all in unreal. Still got the main spire to add in and then need to work on the lighting.
As far as I can see, the substance export preset for unreal doesn't have a Specular output, but I notice the unreal shader seems to expect one. Wondering if anyone can help me understand how this attribute of the unreal shader affects things and how to handle it? I notice my material looks a bit "wetter" in unreal than in the substance viewport, so I'm suspecting that might have something to do with it?
Any feedback is appreciated!
Cheers! 🙂
As for C&C, I'm noticing that original photo has more cleaner and less saturated materials. You also have a different arrow shapes and number sizes. But overall it looks nice