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Post Apocalyptic Danny Progress

polycounter lvl 2
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overstreet polycounter lvl 2

Making a post apocalyptic character inspired by this piece from Thomas Wievegg


I'm doing a version with and without a helmet. For the without part I'm using Danny McBride. 
A wip for now but I'll update with progress



  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    The helmet texturing work is looking great! My biggest concern are the overall proportions of the piece. Right now the legs and arms feel too fat. I did a quick liquify and shrunk down the head, arms, and legs. 

    Note the head height comparison between your piece and the concept. Great work though! I look forward to seeing your progress

  • overstreet
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    overstreet polycounter lvl 2
    thanks for the feedback! I chunked him up a bit because he’s going to be Danny McBride with the helmet off
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