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Blender Cryptomatte to Fusion Studio 16

I am new to Blender and I am trying to export individual multi layer exr files into Fusion Studio 16 for the purpose of utilizing cryptomatte editing. I enabled the cryptomatte in the render pass properties for object, material, and asset. I then setup up a compositor node as seen in the image attached. I am using the Reactor plugin's cryptomatte. I know others have been able to do this. I just do not know what it is that they did that I am not doing. If anyone could help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it. I also attached a screen shot of my Fusion Studio node build. It is what you would imagine. There is no cryptomatte file embedded anywhere in the openexr. On top of all of that, I cannot find anything on Cryptomatte for animation in Blender. I only see people using through the compositor which renders single images. I prefer single images, but it would be nice to be able to compile them and cryptomatte in Fusion through the compiled finish. 


  • TheMuffinMan9
    Offline / Send Message
    So I think that I got it working with the file output node in the blender compositor. I am still not quite sure how to manage animation through individual files that are created by Blender and when the image file is a jpg file rather than a png file. I am sure that there is supposed to be more options that I cannot find that allow for a transparent background pass. If anyone has any tips on how to composite the animation in cryptomatte in a compiled form I would really be grateful.
  • TheMuffinMan9
  • TheMuffinMan9
    Offline / Send Message
    I actually do not think that cryptomatte editing for animation is possible with a Blender and Fusion workflow, maybe Nuke. But, it was better designed for Maya that it was Blender where I believe that animation editing in a cryptomatte environment is possible.
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