Hi all, welcome to my making a realistic Pine Marten adventure.
This is the first realistic animal that I'm trying to make, and I'll try to document as much as I can here.
I did start this project last year, but I wasn't happy with how it was going, so I benched the project for awhile. Because of that, there may be a few things that I skip, or already have a head start on, but I think I'll be starting over with most things.
My biggest mistake last time around was not putting enough research into anatomy, so this time I'm going to start off by trying to make a Pine Marten ecorche.
Feel free to let me know what you think and offer critique at any point!
So, here's my reference board:

And to start off the ecorche, here's the skull that I've made.

It's a little rough, I'll come back an polish it up later. It probably won't get much more detail than this though, as it's detailed enough to serve it's purpose. I will have to come back to add more detail to the teeth, as I would like them to be in a close up of my final renders.
Next I'll be adding the muscles.
I recommend doing a blockout of the full pine marten (no ecorche) to get the proportions right. It's really hard to catch proportion issues with just the skeleton model, especially on animals, because it's not something our eyes are trained to notice subtle differences in. Photo reference of bones is tricky because you're dealing with specimens of different ages, camera lenses, subspecies or even straight up mislabeled.
Once you start putting in muscles, things won't fit or look off and you won't know why.
Reference for mink muscles should be cloer than a lion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6LJCbgSBH4
I have no critique but I pass on a lesson learned from when I first made realistic animals:
Watch lots of video and study from real life if at all possible. In beginning I only used photo reference and it just wasn't working. Seeing a thing in motion just gets it all in your head in a natural, intuitive way.
One other point: I tried to be very realistic and skin, fat, and fur. In many animals, the fur alone largely hide all but the most major forms. In 3d sculpting, though, I think to really impress you must exaggerate a good deal, especially with the anatomy.
I followed your advice and watched lots of videos. I'm not sure how much it helped inform me of the anatomy because they have quite thick fur so it's hard to pick out detail, but I can confirm that they are very cute!