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Texturing: Blender to RHINO Vray PBR workflow?

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I've been working with a client doing some modeling and texturing work, and after a few jobs they told me they've never been able to use my textures. I think they simply don't have the technical knowledge to import them but I just want to be sure they actually CAN use them. I export standard PBR textures (diffuse, roughness, normal, etc) that are UV mapped to my object. They can import this into Vray.. right? I never use Vray but from a quick glance at the manual it seems that UV mapped textures are something it can handle. Client told me it would be nice if I could convert my textures to a Vray Mat, is there a tool to easily do this? I don't have a licence for either Rhino or Vray.

Kind of feel stupid asking this since to me all renderers can easily import UV mapped textures but I don't know much about CAD and architecture software like Rhino so who knows.



  • Eric Chadwick
    Look up the V-Ray help for Rhino.

    I don't personally use Rhino, but V-Ray in 3ds Max does use a different paradigm for materials than standard PBR.

    Instead of roughness it's glossiness, which is further segmented into Reflect Glossiness vs. Refract Glossiness. 

    Metalness is now supported in the latest V-Ray, but if they have the older version it's not. The older V-Ray used Reflect color and IOR settings, which they may be more comfortable with.

    Why not ask them what material formats they want and use? 
  • Eric Chadwick
    If they're a valuable client, invest in their tools, probably worth it to purchase Rhino & V-Ray. Or at least, get the demos. 
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