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new here. looking for some feedback

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danimal node

So id like to model for games or animation. this was a low poly bike i recently made. Still learning substance so havent really textured it. But in regards to modeling where or what should i focus on? or anything. I havent really posted my work on forms, just artstation. Well anything would be great. thanks for taking the time to look at my work, ive heard great things about these forms and hope to start sharing my work with others.


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Is this based off a motorcycle that actually exists, or a piece of concept art?
  • danimal
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    danimal node

    so this is the bike i used as the base. After playing days gone I wanted to do a bike in similar style.
  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    I took a look at the textured version of your bike on Artstation. Your bike is missing a lot of detail, and your materials could use some work.

    I would recommend modeling a high res as well, and detail it as much as you can to match the level of detail in your reference. Use boolean modeling, curves to mesh, subdivision, or whatever method you can to make a high res as cool looking as the reference. Having a really nice high res helps Substance Painter to help you get the most out of your materials and texture maps.

    I would also suggest gathering some really good material reference images and trying to match them as best you can. If you haven't already, run through the selection of videos on Substance Academy to learn the do's and don'ts of PBR materials.

    Finally, the proportions seem a bit off to me. The addition of the seat back, somehow makes the handle bars seem to small and stubby. The seat says "cruiser" and the handle bars say "racer". The mismatch is throwing off the proportions. 

    Anyway. It's a pretty good start. If you keep working at it it could become awesome. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • danimal
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    danimal node
    thanks for the feedback. yeah the textures were just slapped on that one. def not my "hey its finished piece" i just wanted to see color on it. Again thanks for the input.
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