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Feedback for revised model and render

polycounter lvl 3
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Deegan_28 polycounter lvl 3
Hello everyone, this is a model and render that I've been trying to work on over about two months. I posted this previously and got some feedback from some people. I've tried to make the revisions. Now I'm just looking for some more feedback on my textures, render and etc. Thank you very much for taking the time to view my work right now. 


  • Nick_Simmons
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    Nick_Simmons polycounter lvl 4
    Hey man thanks for posting, nice job on taking this through the whole pipeline.

    For me I would prefer to see it on a less busy background, As it stands the asset is a little lost in the final shot. Composition wise this is really lacking your piece is only taking up like 20% of your image dude! Crop that bad boy and get some better shots to share with us  =)

    For the texturing I would like to see the high poly for this, you are not getting proper occlusion of the eye  so its looking pretty flat. and the cables for the breather are not reading as cylindrical
  • Deegan_28
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    Deegan_28 polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you for the feedback @Nick_Simmons and I really appreciate the time you took telling me what I can fix on this asset and render. I will take some more time rendering to find a better composition and I will post the high poly render of the model. Thank you so much!
  • Deegan_28
    Offline / Send Message
    Deegan_28 polycounter lvl 3
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