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Aladdin tribute

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rintin node
Aladdin tribute for a challenge (entirely made in <1 day):

Hope you like it =)


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Lamp looks fine, but not sure whats up with the random shards of metal surrounding it? Are they supposed to be coins?
  • rintin
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    rintin node
    Yep, just "primitive coins". At the beginning were more accurated, but I usually want to export for a interactive 3dview and polycount was triple of supported, so for something so small messing around I that's all I can do. Different would be rendering directly in Modo, but not the case. Thanks for the feedback!
  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
    Did you really just stretch the teapot primitive? And have botched smoothing?
  • rintin
    Offline / Send Message
    rintin node
    Did you really just stretch the teapot primitive? And have botched smoothing?

    Nope. I don't know witch software are you workin with, but Luxology MODO doesn't have those type of "primitives". Is a cube subdivided to transform into a lowpoly sphere-like main shape, extruded later, etc, and a bit of bevel to round some lines... This for the main shape. Up and down areas are cilinders extruded+bevel. And the handle is working from curves + a spherized cube at the end.

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