Hi! I'm a noobie in scripting, but I'm trying to automatize some repetitive tasks at my job.
I want to turn on this function in my multi material selection.
For instance: to change the RGB colors of my materials, instead of typing all the way from 1 to 100, how can I make it more straight to the point:
meditMaterials[1].ambient = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[1].Diffuse = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[2].ambient = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[2].Diffuse = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[3].ambient = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[3].Diffuse = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[4].ambient = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[4].Diffuse = color 230 230 230...meditMaterials[100].ambient = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[100].Diffuse = color 230 230 230
Is there any way to make something like so
meditMaterials[from 1 to 100].ambient = color 230 230 230
meditMaterials[from 1 to 100].Diffuse = color 230 230 230
I face the same thing when I try to turn on a function inside my node
sceneMaterials["Material #01"].materialList[1].alt_mat_night.tex_diffuse_on = on
sceneMaterials["Material #01"].materialList[2].alt_mat_night.tex_diffuse_on = on
And so on...