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Adding scratches manually

polycounter lvl 2
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Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
I want to add scratches with a brush. I want them to have depth. I can adjust the height of the stroke and have it apply the base material, but I want to have the scratch be a different material. Like brass underneath paint. When I select some materials, however, the height option (slider) of the brush stroke disappears. The height button is there, just not the slider. The first two examples show it with the slider, and the second two without. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    I don't think I ever apply materials with a brush on a paint layer. In fact, I dont think I use paint layers at all unless they are on a mask. What you want is to use Fill Layers and masks to achieve what you're after. And as far as not having a height range button on the material options... just add a Level and set it to Height. I'd recommend looking up some beginner tutorials, Allegorithmic's official ones are great and Flipped Normals has a pretty solid starter video.
  • Batu_Khan
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    Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
    Taylor, thanks for responding but that doesn't really answer the question I was asking. Using a fill layer and a mask is procedural. I want to add specific scratches, more severe, deeper and in a certain spot. Thanks anyway.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    It's procedural to use a Smart Mask, a procedural alpha on a Fill or a generator. It's not procedural to add a Paint layer to your mask and paint in the details you want manually.
  • Batu_Khan
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    Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
    Yes, exactly. As I said, I don't want to do it procedurally. Did you look at the pics I posted? That's the question I'm asking: Where is the height slider on the second material? I need that answered, not a basic description of what constitutes procedural texturing. Thanks anyway.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    "And as far as not having a height range button on the material options... just add a Level and set it to Height."

    I only made the distinction about what is and isn't procedural because you seemed to have misinterpreted what I recommended in the first comment as telling you to use procedural methods. I did not. Good luck.
  • Batu_Khan
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    Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
    Hey thanks, Taylor, but in the future, your advice might be more helpful if you actually addressed the issues of the original post. Cheers.
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Batu_Khan said:
    I want to add scratches with a brush. I want them to have depth... I want to have the scratch be a different material. Like brass underneath paint...
    Batu_Khan said:
    ... I want to add specific scratches, more severe, deeper and in a certain spot...
    ... What you want is to use Fill Layers and masks to achieve what you're after... I'd recommend looking up some beginner tutorials, Allegorithmic's official ones are great and Flipped Normals has a pretty solid starter video.
    Seems like Taylor presented a solution to your problem in his first post. This is exactly how I would get the effect you're trying to achieve.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter

    There are a few other ways to achieve this if you're insistent  on making life difficult for yourself but the method suggested is by far the best. 
    To clarify.. 
    Add a material layer and paint the scratches into it's mask

    The reason the height slider disappears is that you're painting materials that don't output height.  
    The reason we all use layers and masks is that it gives you control over stuff like that

  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    Thought I was taking crazy pills for a minute..
  • Batu_Khan
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    Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
    Maybe you could all be a little more condescending in your replies. That would help instead of realizing you don't know how to address my original post.

    The reason the height slider disappears is that you're painting materials that don't output height. "

    Yes. I understand that. Why doesn't it output height if I have that checked? Look at the picture I posted. I can make it work with some materials, but not the brass one I show in the second series.

     just add a Level and set it to Height" Do you mean a layer or a level as in an effect?

    If you can't understand what I'm posting, Please stop replying. No one is taking crazy pills, maybe a-hole pills but not crazy pills.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    No one has been condescending. Each of our answers has addressed your questions in clear terms, showing an understanding of the software and techniques involved. Calling me a name is out of line and likely not the best path to take if you intend to get help with future issues. I empathize with your frustration at not being able to achieve the results you want and sincerely hope you find the answers you're after but at this point, I'm bowing out.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I answered. 

    There is no height channel in the brass material so no height happens when you paint it. 
    You can add a paint effect that affects height to your material but you will have to paint your scratches twice

    In the first one height is set to 0 which means zero effect. 

    You posted asking for advice on how to do something the wrong way, you got given a better way to do it and argued. That's inviting eye rolling I'm afraid. 

    I echo the tutorial watching suggestion - like most software painter works very well if you use it the way it wants to be used.  If you try to work outside the system it is difficult.
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Batu_Khan said:
    Maybe you could all be a little more condescending in your replies.
    I'm learning how to drive a car and can't seem to turn the steering wheel with my feet. Why is the steering wheel so far away from my feet? How can I adjust it so that it is easier for my feet to reach the wheel?
  • Batu_Khan
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    Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
    Brandon, If you can't add to this, piss off. Apparently, I've created an asshole magnet with this thread. What a bunch of pretentious dickheads. Go fuck yourselves.
  • Taylor Brown
  • Batu_Khan
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    Batu_Khan polycounter lvl 2
    OK Taylor, I was probably a bit harsh in my responses to you. Apologies. Brandon can still go fuck himself. Peace.
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