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Does a 3d model polycount determine the resolution of the texture?

polycounter lvl 3
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SeanWink polycounter lvl 3
Im intermediate at 3d modeling but self taught so this might sound like a silly question. I see models in the 60,000 polycount range and lower but the texture resolution on them is so sharp and clear. So is it possible to have a model that is 60,000 polys wrapped with a texture that is say 4K?


  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Yes that is possible but poly count in no way influences texture res.  You can still have a 60k model with a 2k texture.  Chances are though, a 60k model is for a somewhat high fidelity game that would have several 2k textures on it.
  • FrankPolygon
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    FrankPolygon grand marshal polycounter
    To build on what slosh has said: it's possible but not advisable to use extreme texture sizes and polycounts. Both are influenced by a range of factors like art style, system requirements, object size, prominence, etc.

    The polycount influences how much shape detail can be represented and the texture size influences how much surface detail can be represented. Both can be independently adjusted to fit the project requirements.

    Since there's diminishing returns, it's best to have a balance where things look good and are resource efficient.

  • Goat Justice
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    Goat Justice polycounter lvl 10
    "Good" or "Appropriate" texture resolution is usually more determined by how large/prominent the object will be on screen. You want enough resolution in the texture to keep things from looking blocky or blurry.  Setting a standard based on the objects physical size in the game world is often a good way to keep things consistent Ex: 512 pixels per meter. 

     Working with a target like that keeps all of the props in a scene in the same general range of texture resolution and can help avoid things like a sharp texture next to a more blurry one which can make both objects look strange. 

    This doesn't work as well for things that will often be particularly close to the camera: (First person weapons, props with closeup animated interactions,  or characters faces). Those usually need to hold up to a higher level of fidelity and may need larger maps to preserve details. 

    There are also times where a model may use a tiled texture to achieve better resolution. Large architecture pieces often use sections of tiling textures  to achieve  resolution not possible with a 1:1 mapping. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    One oblique way tri count of model influences texture is during deformation.

    Imagine a quad with a checker pattern on it. If you stretch the quad, the texture stretches directly proportional with it.

    Now add three edgeloops cutting across the quad. Now you can stretch it withouth as much texture stretching.

    So sometimes when rigging and animating you may plop in an extra edge to help hold a better deformation or reduce stretching.
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