Sup Polycount!
Here is my result of studying 3d environment art - think about looking for job in game industry, but i also think it would be really hard just because of my location and i need really strong portfolio. So i ask you for help to make this portfolio better, i guess any feedback and critique will help!
Hey, thank you for your reply and for the kind words about my artworks. Yeah, i guess it's time to save some cash for moving heh
Thank you guys @Carla@Kanni3d
Hmmm, i think showing wireframes is always very tricky. Wireframes can be cause of ask too many questions like "why he done this like that and like this", it may show your errors that you don't even see and etc.
I think wireframes is good practise for single prop where you are sure for 100% that you have perfect wireframe.
Also since Unreal triangulates your meshes - it looks not really good in my opinion