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Male torso anatomy

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Deniell triangle
I would like to ask you if you could critique/rate my anatomy model. It's my first male anatomy sculpt. I was following anatomy tutorial so I didn't have any reference but definitely use it next time. Thanks in advance.


  • Glynnybob
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    Glynnybob polycounter lvl 7
    For a first attempt by following a tutorial it's not bad, you've started off pretty good. Looking at the sculpt, it would help if you studied some skeletons to help with some of the shape and positioning of the body (the clavicle is a bit off as well as the hips) and then some muscle studies to clean up the anatomy. A quick example of cleaning the anatomy I can give is for the pecs, they aren't as 'square' as you'd think if you look at the muscle it's attached to the arm under the deltoid.

    Just keep at it and reference as much as you can and you'll be a pro in no time.
  • Deniell
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    Deniell triangle
    Thank you Glynnybob. You're right, the clavicle is really off. Appreciate your critics. :)
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