Hello! I’m a 15 year old self taught Blender Artist, and I just started working on a student film project about a week ago.
This project is for an upcoming film festival in November, so time is very limited. Its required for it to be a 3 minute film, and has very strict copyright rules. So, all of that said, my goal is to produce a short film on the giving tree. And, so far, this is my visual design for the short film.
Any Critiques and recommendations would be much appreciated!

First the face on the tree is hard to see in the first shot. See if you can add some highlights and shadows into the texture map to make it pop more.
Your leaf cards are looking very dark, they could use some subsurface scattering or translucency (if you didn't know, subsurface scattering is when light partially passes through and object as well as bounces off of it). Also the branches that the leaves are coming off of should be thicker. They look like wires right now.
The kid's face is looking a little unnerving right now. His expression in kind of extreme. Maybe try a little more relaxed expression. Also, I can't tell if it is dirt on his face or shadow form the leaves above him, but it matches the color of his hair, making him look like a werewolf with a uni-brow in mid transformation. If it's a dirt texture, try to define it a little more and get it to look more like dirt. If it's shadow, work on the lighting more.
Critiques aside, this is actually pretty good for someone who's only 15 and self taught. You've got a lot to learn, but you have a lot of time to learn it. Keep it up, have fun and good luck.