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Modeling character from schratch or use prebuilt model?

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Deniell triangle
Hello everyone. I have another question and that's how it works in gaming industry when you do character model? I heard that in junior position you usually use prebuilt model and then you adjust what you need. Is it true or it's normal that you start from scratch? Let's say we are talking about AAA game company. Sorry if this topic was discussed before. Thank you.


  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Base models are usually done at the beginning of a project and mostly by senior/lead staff - those are the starting point for everything else. Keep in mind you want to re-use as much as possible especially when it comes to rigs and other stuff so. So having standardized base models is a huge time saver that can also have affects on scripts and atomatization tools. It also gives you unified uvs that allow you to reuse textures for faces or bodies.

    On the flipside - this doesn't justify not having full models from scratch in your portfolio. You are expected to be able to create a solid, believable anatomicly correct model (stylization might apply to various degree, but don't mistake it for a lack of anatomy knowledge). Potential employers want to see you know anatomy before hiring you.
  • Deniell
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    Deniell triangle
    Thanks for answer. I didn't know that base is usually made by senior. Good to know. So, all in all we can say that start from scratch is the best way to grow, right? Yesterday I finished my first character model from scratch but I really lack anatomy knowledge. Tough start... :D
  • Biomag
    Offline / Send Message
    Biomag sublime tool
    Yes, starting from scratch as a beginner is a very necessary practise. There are no shortcuts because the competitionis really tough ;)

    Make sure you don't rush through the anatomy phase - its also a really good point to get feedback from places like polycount because it fucks up everything that comes afterwards. Its hard to correct these issues once clothing / armor comes on top. So the better your anatomy is the better the final result will look like :)
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